Last minute reminders and a quick look ahead

Just some last minute reminders:
Tomorrow is the LAST day to turn in the summer reading list. The ice cream social will be on Monday. I read off the lists I had to the class today so they were made aware if I had one or not. They will need to have read 7 books over the summer in order to qualify.
Tomorrow is SPIRIT WEAR day. This means if you have a field day shirt or a spirit wear shirt you can wear it with your uniform bottoms. Lost yours or need a new one? They will be setting up the ability to order some new designs tomorrow at Family Fun Night!!
Speaking of Family Fun night, it is tomorrow night in the junior yard! Come for the fun and stay to pie a teacher! Did I just say that? Yup, I did! Have your kids empty their piggy banks in order to try for an opportunity to pie some of the teachers that volunteered for this honor. Yes, I did volunteer!
There are two tests tomorrow – Spelling and Vocab! Make sure to study and review with your child!
Look at next week
Chapter 1 Math Test on Monday (practice test went home tonight and due tomorrow)
Chapter 1 Social Studies test on Wednesday (Use Study Guide to study. They will finish it and we will correct it tomorrow in class)
Mass Uniform on Friday for our first Friday mass – NO MONDAY MORNING mass next week!