Mass, Missions and Other Things…
Welcome to 4th Grade!
- Home
- Paper
- Religion
- Word Skills
- Math
- Science
- Social Studies
- Literature
- Music
- Writing
- Projects
(Spanish?) – Mrs. di Lorenzo has requested a yellow folder so this section might not be necessary but last year some students placed their yellow folder in it in order to be ready for homework.
Summer Work
Hi parents,
The school is hoping that fourth and fifth graders read 5 books over the summer and record them on the sheet provided to your student this week. I know a lot of papers came home this week, so I am attaching it just in case it has been misplaced. If they read 5 books and submit the paper in the fall, they will attend the Ice Cream Social in September.
Also, your child is asked to complete 8 ALEKS assignments over the summer. These are already available to them. I would suggest they complete the assignments before finishing their ALEKS pie because then I will need to reassign the assignments. Each assignment has about 20 questions and students need to complete each assignment with a 90% or better. There is a quick retake option that will allow them to only redo the problems that they missed. Some parents have expressed that they don’t know where to locate the assignments. In the upper left hand corner of the ALEKS home screen there are three lines.Click on that and then click on Assignments. These assignments shouldn’t take very long and should just keep their math skills fresh for the new school year. Please see the letter below from the math department.
Over the summer it is recommended that each child work on ALEKS as frequently as possible. ALEKS work should become part of your child’s routine at home learning during the summer months. This summer assignment for ALEKS is to complete 8 ALEKS Assignments from June 19th until August 18th. Each will be made available all summer long for your convenience (as we know some families travel during some of the summer months). Students are also encouraged to continue to work on their persona lALEKS Pie this summer. Once school begins again, your child will be given a new personal ALEKS Pie to work on for the coming year. These summer assignments will be given as your first grade of the new school year. Additionally, those students who complete the summer assignments with a score of 85% will be included in a start of year pancake breakfast. The math teachers will serve you as a thank you for taking your math learning seriously!
SMA Math Department
If you need your child’s username and password, please feel free to email me. Also, if they finish their pie over the summer, email me and I will move them up. I will have access to all of their accounts until August.
Reminders 1/6
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sign Up for Parent Conferences
For Tuesday:
For all the students:
Go to:
Go to:
Also, we will begin working on their Saint report in class this week. Please make sure your child has some information about their saint with them on Monday. This will need to be available over the coming weeks, so please leave it in the religion section of their accordion files.
Notes from Mrs. Z 10.10
Note from Mrs. Z week of 9.12
- Monday, September 12th – Monday Morning Mass. Students gather in the junior yard at 7:45 am. We will find our TK buddies and head to mass. Please know students wear their regular uniform, NOT mass uniform.
- Homework Help with Mrs. Z – 3:15-3:45 on Monday. Let me know if you want your child to stay. If you are not there at 3:45, your child will be escorted to Extended Care.
- Thursday, September 15th – School Picture Day – Mass Uniform. Consider a change of clothes for after pictures depending on temperature.
- STAR testing will start this week